Energy Timer(Japanese/English) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking
Pico Pico Cart 1.1.0
Simple calculator application for shopping inJapan.This app solves calculation of discount in percentage, or inyen.Pico Pico Cart will help your daily shopping.Note: Discounted prices are recalculated based onprices without Japanese consumption tax (5%).Total amount is based on tax-included prices.
Energy Calendar 2024 23.0.0
Take a look at “Energy Calendar 2024”, a steel daily calendar appthat overflows with energy!
Energy Timer(Multilingual)
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking
Energy Timer(German/English) 4.0.1
"Energy Timer is not just a noodle timer, buta versatile timer finally found for contemporary businesspeople whohave been struggling with time." --- The developerGood news for instant noodle enthusiasts all over theworld!We finally completed development of the most advanced instantnoodle timer --- 'Energy Timer'!It's a very simple action, you just touch the screen to choosecooking time and start count down.In addition, custom preset will enable you to support count downoptimized for every noodle by recording photo and cooking time. Youcan freely adjust softness of noodles.Although this timer is developed for instant noodles, it hasextreme versatility.Cooking pasta, speech and presentation, thinking time in quizshows, speed eating contest --- it will help you in every kind ofsituation.We have arranged this app so that you can download it from thispage.Do try this app now.Good luck.[How to Use]* Tap button to choose cooking time (1/3/4/5 minutes), and then tap[Start].[Features]* The timer with a futuristic and mechanical look counts down thecooking time precisely in 1/100 second.* The final countdown action starts 30 seconds before finishing. Itprevents users from overcounting.* Custom setting enables presetting any noodle you like with imageand cooking time.* You can change alarm by tapping the music note button.
Energy Timer(French/English) 4.0.1
"Energy Timer is not just a noodle timer, but a versatile timerfinally found for contemporary businesspeople who have beenstruggling with time." --- The developer Good news for instantnoodle enthusiasts all over the world! We finally completeddevelopment of the most advanced instant noodle timer --- 'EnergyTimer'! It's a very simple action, you just touch the screen tochoose cooking time and start count down. In addition, custompreset will enable you to support count down optimized for everynoodle by recording photo and cooking time. You can freely adjustsoftness of noodles. Although this timer is developed for instantnoodles, it has extreme versatility. Cooking pasta, speech andpresentation, thinking time in quiz shows, speed eating contest ---it will help you in every kind of situation. We have arranged thisapp so that you can download it from this page. Do try this appnow. Good luck. [How to Use] * Tap button to choose cooking time(1/3/4/5 minutes), and then tap [Start]. [Features] * The timerwith a futuristic and mechanical look counts down the cooking timeprecisely in 1/100 second. * The final countdown action starts 30seconds before finishing. It prevents users from overcounting. *Custom setting enables presetting any noodle you like with imageand cooking time. * You can change alarm by tapping the music notebutton.
Energy Timer(Javanese/English) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking wektu counter kanggo masak
Energy Timer(Italian/English) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking
Energy Timer(Hindi/English) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking
Energy Timer(Chinese/English) 4.0.1
"Energy Timer is not just a noodle timer, buta versatile timer finally found for contemporary businesspeople whohave been struggling with time." --- The developerGood news for instant noodle enthusiasts all over theworld!We finally completed development of the most advanced instantnoodle timer --- 'Energy Timer'!It's a very simple action, you just touch the screen to choosecooking time and start count down.In addition, custom preset will enable you to support count downoptimized for every noodle by recording photo and cooking time. Youcan freely adjust softness of noodles.Although this timer is developed for instant noodles, it hasextreme versatility.Cooking pasta, speech and presentation, thinking time in quizshows, speed eating contest --- it will help you in every kind ofsituation.We have arranged this app so that you can download it from thispage.Do try this app now.Good luck.[How to Use]* Tap button to choose cooking time (1/3/4/5 minutes), and then tap[Start].[Features]* The timer with a futuristic and mechanical look counts down thecooking time precisely in 1/100 second.* The final countdown action starts 30 seconds before finishing. Itprevents users from overcounting.* Custom setting enables presetting any noodle you like with imageand cooking time.* You can change alarm by tapping the music note button.
Energy Timer(Russian/English) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking
Energy Timer(Malay/English) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking
Energy Timer(Portuguese) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking
Energy Timer(Spanish/English) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking
Energy Timer(Arabic/English) 4.0.1
"Energy Timer is not just a noodle timer, buta versatile timer finally found for contemporary businesspeople whohave been struggling with time." --- The developerGood news for instant noodle enthusiasts all over theworld!We finally completed development of the most advanced instantnoodle timer --- 'Energy Timer'!It's a very simple action, you just touch the screen to choosecooking time and start count down.In addition, custom preset will enable you to support count downoptimized for every noodle by recording photo and cooking time. Youcan freely adjust softness of noodles.Although this timer is developed for instant noodles, it hasextreme versatility.Cooking pasta, speech and presentation, thinking time in quizshows, speed eating contest --- it will help you in every kind ofsituation.We have arranged this app so that you can download it from thispage.Do try this app now.Good luck.[How to Use]* Tap button to choose cooking time (1/3/4/5 minutes), and then tap[Start].[Features]* The timer with a futuristic and mechanical look counts down thecooking time precisely in 1/100 second.* The final countdown action starts 30 seconds before finishing. Itprevents users from overcounting.* Custom setting enables presetting any noodle you like with imageand cooking time.* You can change alarm by tapping the music note button.
Energy Timer(Bihari/English) 4.0.1
"Energy Timer is not just a noodle timer, but a versatiletimerfinally found for contemporary businesspeople who havebeenstruggling with time." --- The developer Good news forinstantnoodle enthusiasts all over the world! We finallycompleteddevelopment of the most advanced instant noodle timer ---'EnergyTimer'! It's a very simple action, you just touch the screentochoose cooking time and start count down. In addition,custompreset will enable you to support count down optimized foreverynoodle by recording photo and cooking time. You can freelyadjustsoftness of noodles. Although this timer is developed forinstantnoodles, it has extreme versatility. Cooking pasta, speechandpresentation, thinking time in quiz shows, speed eating contest---it will help you in every kind of situation. We have arrangedthisapp so that you can download it from this page. Do try thisappnow. Good luck. [How to Use] * Tap button to choose cookingtime(1/3/4/5 minutes), and then tap [Start]. [Features] * Thetimerwith a futuristic and mechanical look counts down the cookingtimeprecisely in 1/100 second. * The final countdown action starts30seconds before finishing. It prevents users from overcounting.*Custom setting enables presetting any noodle you like withimageand cooking time. * You can change alarm by tapping the musicnotebutton. "Energy Timer खाली एगो नूडल टाइमर ना ह, बलुक ईएगोवर्सेटाइल टाइमर ह जवना के आज के समय के कारोबारी लोगन खातिरतईयारकईल गईल बा जेकरा लगे समय के कमी बा।" --- डेवलपर दुनिया भर केसगरेइंस्टैंट नूडन के शौकीन लोग खातिर खुशखबरी! हमनीं के आखिरकारबेहदएडवांस्ड इंस्टैंट नूडल टाइमर तईयार क देले बानीं जा --- जवना केनामह 'Energy Timer'! एकर प्रक्रिया बहुते आसान बा, रऊआ कुकिंग समयचुनेखातिर खाली एहिके छुएके बा, आ ओकरा बाद काउंट डाउन शुरू क दीं।एकराअलावे, कस्टम प्रीसेट रऊआ के फोटो आ कुकिंग समय के रिकार्डिंगद्वाराप्रत्येक नूडल खातिर ऑप्टिमाइज़ कईल गईल काउंट डाउन के सपोर्टकरे मेंसक्षम बना दी। रऊआ आसानी से नूडल के सॉफ़्टनेस एडजस्ट क सकतबानीं। भलेही एह टाइमर के इंस्टैंट नूडल्स खातिर तईयार कईल बा, लेकिनएकरइस्तेमाल बहुते जगह हो सकेला। पास्ता बनावे में, भाषण आप्रेजेंटेशनमें, क्विज शो में सोचे-विचारे के समय में, तेजी से खाएकेप्रतियोगितामें --- ई रऊआ के हर तरह के स्थिति में मदद करी। हमनीं केएह ऐप केअरेंज कईले बानीं जा, जेहिसे कि रऊआ एह पृष्ठ से एकरा केडाउनलोड कसकीं। अभिए एह ऐप के आज़माईं। बधाई आ शुभकामना। [के तरहइस्तेमाल करीं]* कुकिंग समय (1/3/4/5 मिनट) चुने खातिर बटन टैप करी, आओकरा बाद[शुरू करीं] टैप करीं। [सुविधा] * फ्यूचरिस्टिक और मैकेनिकललुक वालाई टाइमर 1/100 सेकंड में बेहद सटीकता के साथे कुकिंग समय केकाउंटडाउन करेला यानी उलटी गिनती गिनेला। * अंतिम काउंट डाउन क्रियापूराहोखेके 30 सेकंड पहिले शुरू होला। ई उपयोगकर्ता के ओवर-काउंटिंगकरेसे यानी अधिका गिने से रोकेला। * कस्टम सेटिंग चित्र आ कुकिंग समयकेसाथे राऊर इच्छित कवनो नूडल के प्री-सेटिंग करेमे सक्षम बनावेला।*रऊआ म्युजिक नोट बटन टैप क के अलार्म बदल सकिले।
Energy Timer(Bengali/English) 4.0.1
Fully-energetic timer app for cooking